Adding a Form

  1. Begin by accessing Forms from within Communication and clicking the Add Form Icon Add Form icon.
  2. The General Tab will open automatically after you’ve clicked to add a form. This is where you will define the Form Settings.
  3. Once you have defined all settings (you can edit the form later if you want to change anything) finish adding the form by clicking the Add Form button on the bottom right of the screen. You can also choose to Cancel the addition by clicking the red button. 
  4. At the top of the page a blue information box will be displayed along with a button to Add Questions. Click this link to add questions to your form.
  5. Once you have added a form it will show up on the main Forms page. Forms that are in draft mode will be grayed out. Open and closed forms will be in blue text. 
  6. The following icons will appear at the top right of the Main Content Area:
    • Edit – allows you to edit the Form settings.
    • Delete – deletes the entire Form, including any submissions.
    • Access Reports – contains viewing data of which students have visited the Form and which features they visited.
    • Menu – click here to view the Activity Log which displays all administrator editing activity, Content Details, and to Print this Page.
  7. Each form will have buttons at the top of the screen that will help you manage the form. Some of the buttons displayed will depend on the status (Draft, Released, and Closed) of the form.
  8. If the form is still in Draft mode the following buttons will appear on the Form's page:
    • Copy Form – Creates an exact copy of the Form. This is useful if you wish to re-create the Form or make changes but maintain the original form.
    • Add Questions/Manage Questions – allows you to edit the form’s questions. You can edit which questions are in the form and also edit the questions themselves by using the Show Options buttons on each question.
    • Release This Form – Releases the form to users (this button is only available once questions have been added).
    • Preview Form – Allows you to review and submit the form before releasing it to users (this button is only available once questions have been added).
    • View Embed Code – This embed code can be used to place this form into a page on your own site (this button is only available if the form is public or protected).
  9. Once the form has been Released the following buttons will become available:
    • Close Form – Closes the form so that users can no longer fill out the form. Users that have taken a Course Form can review their submission to the form. Public and Protected form links will lead to a “Closed Form” page.
    • Form Reports – Provides statistical data about the users who have submitted to the form such as:
      • Viewing individual form submissions by clicking on the submission's View Response icon.
      • The option to delete individual form submissions.
      • The order of submissions (sortable column).
      • The date and time of each submission (sortable column).
      • The first four questions of the form and their corresponding answers.
      • The option to download the form report to an Excel spreadsheet.
  10. Once the form has been Closed the following button will become available:
    • Reopen Form – Reopens a closed form and allows more users to submit to the form.
  11. Once a form has been released or closed you can go back and change it back to draft mode and make changes. However, reverting back to draft mode will delete all existing form submissions. You will be reminded of this upon making the change. If you want to maintain the form results use the Copy form feature to re-use the same form and generate new results.