HSC Directory

ATTENTION: WVU Medicine and Clinical profiles are listed in a separate Directory. HSC Directory Admins only have access to make edits/additions to the HSC Directory. Please contact the WVU Medicine Helpdesk at (304) 598-4357 to make any edits/additions to the WVU Medicine and Clinical profiles.

Requesting HSC Directory Admin Editor Access

An existing Directory Admin or Supervisor of the department and division will need to give permission for an editor to be granted access by sending in a ticket request to solesupport@hsc.wvu.edu. Please include the following information for the new editor request in the ticket: user's full name, user's email address, the Department and Divisions that they will need access to become an editor. Also include if an existing editor will no longer need access to make edits.

To locate/contact editors to make updates to the HSC Directory, please look up the users’ profile or department at https://directory.hsc.wvu.edu/. In the users’ profile or in the department listing, click on the Additions/Corrections? tab. This will list the Directory Admin(s) that can make updates to the profile or department.

Once a user is granted access, the directory admins update employee information that displays to the public for the HSC directory, available at: https://directory.hsc.wvu.edu/

To make edits/additions, the Directory Admins will need to go to the site: https://sole.hsc.wvu.edu to log in. You will use your WVU or Medicine email credentials to log in to SOLE. You will be able to access the Directory on the SOLE homepage by clicking on the Directory Administration tab. Please review your department(s) profiles to make any edits/additions that may need updated.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Once a user is granted access as a Directory Admin, you must go to the Directory Administration Tab in SOLE as soon as possible, to add your profile to a department. If the Admin does not claim or add profile information to a department, then your profile/access will be deleted during an Orphan Purge that randomly occurs once a month to remove unclaimed users. Directory Admins also need to add their profile information to a department and turn on display options, to make their profile appear to the public, as the Directory Admin for the Additions/Corrections? tab.

Adding a User

  1. A new user can be added to the department by clicking the green circle icon in the bottom right of the screen.
  2. Enter the user’s email address, last name, and first name. A search will be automatically conducted and if the user already exists in the Directory their name can be chosen from the search results (NOTE: The system will NOT allow an editor to create a HSC profile. If a new user has an HSC email address and it does not appear in the auto-search, then please wait until the system can create the profile first).
    ** HSC Directory and WVU Medicine are two separate Directory listings. If a user is a shared user for WVU Medicine and HSC Directory then conducting an auto-search in the HSC Directory Manager, a user will appear in the system with an HSC email address. If a user is strictly WVU Medicine then you will need to contact WVU Medicine Helpdesk to assist you with the WVU Medicine Directory.
  3. Use the drop down menus to choose the correct Department and Classification for the user.
  4. Type the user’s Job Title into the text box provided.
  5. Click the green “Add to my Dept” button once all of the selections have been made to save the changes.

Once a user has been added to the department their profile details can be edited. Once all edits have been made click the green “Save Information” button.

Profile Process for Adding New Users

When a new (HSC) faculty/staff member is hired, the WVU email account must be established first. When the new user can log in to their WVU HSC email, then a couple days after claiming the email account, the SOLE account, HSC Directory profile will be automatically created by the system. A Directory Admin DOES NOT create an HSC profile. If a user is a SHARED user (HSC and WVU Medicine employee), then the HSC email alias for that SHARED user will automatically create a profile with the @hsc.wvu.edu email alias. You will search for the @hsc.wvu.edu email, not the @wvumedicine.org email alias when adding a user to your department. If the user is not an HSC or SHARED user employee, then the Directory Admin will need to create a profile.

There are limitations placed on Directory Admins when adding/creating a profile. If a user is not created by the system, then there are limits on the email domains that can be used. Directory Admins may receive an error message to avoid duplicate profiles for a user. Directory Admins may receive an error message when creating a new profile in the Directory Manager when adding the email address that will state "Main email must be in one of these domains: wvumedicine.org, mix.wvu.edu, mail.wvu.edu, camc.org, wvuhs.com, cdc.gov, ccmh.org, camdenclark.org, wv.gov, wvuf.org and must correspond to a valid WVU ID if the email contains 'wvu.edu". (NOTE: When adding a new user, it is best to search for the HSC email first. If a user is an HSC employee or SHARED user and not available during the search, then please wait until the system has created the New HSC profile.)

General Tab

  1. Basic Information - Includes the user’s first name (Required Field), middle initial/name, last name (Required Field), maiden name, suffix, gender, job title and any applicable tags.
  2. Contact Information - Includes the primary email (Required Field), alternate email address, phone number, mobile number and fax number.
  3. Address Information - Includes the user’s mailing address information.
  4. Professional Information - Includes Credentials, Positions (Required Field), and Education. You are only able to add users to positions within your department. Adding a Position will allow you to define the users’ Department, Section (when applicable), Classification, and their primary position. (NOTE: Primary Position field has a 100 character limit). 

    The user will not display in your department until you add “Positions” information (Required Field).

  5. User Photo - User photos can only be uploaded or edited by ITS administrators. Photos should be sent to solesupport@hsc.wvu.edu.

    Click here for more information about photo requirements.

** If a user is listed in multiple departments, that position will be listed under Professional Information. Hit the (+) to add department(s) that you have been granted access to as a Directory Admin. Each editor can only make edits to their own department (Hint: no pencil icon will be visible next to the department listed, if you are not the editor). To locate/contact the other editor, please look up the users’ profile or department at https://directory.hsc.wvu.edu/. In the users’ profile or department listing, click on the Additions/Corrections? tab, this will list the editor(s) of the profile or department.

*** Professional Information/Position Section: If a user has multiple positions within the same department. Click on the pencil icon next to the existing department listed, under the Positions section. Fill out the required fields for the position section (select a department, select a classification, add their primary position) and then you can choose the option "Add another Position" in order to list an additional position within the same department (You can add up to four additional titles for one department).

**** IMPORTANT REMINDER: If an Admin does not claim or add a users profile information to a department, then the profile will be deleted during an Orphan Purge, that randomly occurs once a month to remove unclaimed users. If a user no longer exist with a department or all of the display options have been turned off, the profile will also be deleted during an Orphan Purge. Once the profile is deleted, all of the previous information is removed and unable to retrieve.

Details Tab

Includes the user’s website, short bio, publications’ link, CV link, photo link, option to upload a PDF of their CV, Publications details, Awards details, and Additional Information.

The Short Bio has a 255 character limit.

Biography Tab

Includes the details for a Long Bio and Additional Information.

The Long Bio has a 4000 character limit.

Healthcare Provider Tab

If the user is a Healthcare provider this tab can be used to label them as such. Click the blue “Yes they are” button to do so. The information used to make an appointment and Healthcare Information can then be added for the user.

Healthcare Information includes:

  1. Medical Specialties
  2. Board Certifications
  3. Special Training

Researcher Tab

If the user is a researcher this tab can be used to label them as such. Click the blue “Yes they are” button to do so. Research information, including their research program, research statement, grants and research information, can be added for the user.

Preferences Tab

Display options: Profile display option (Required), Photo display option (Optional), Email address display option (Optional), and Phone display option (Optional). HINT: To display the information on the directory profile publicly, you must check mark the desired options.

** Profile Display Option: The only required option to make the user's profile visible/publicly searchable.

Digital Measures: These options allow specifying a Digital Measures profile to sync to the HSC directory profile on a nightly basis. SOLE Support and Directory Admins are unable to make edits/additions to a user that has been synchronized to a Digital Measures profile. A user will need to update their own Digital Measures profile. HINT: The HSC Directory Manager will show a gray box alert at the top of the users profile page "This profile is synchronized with Digital Measures. Editing is disabled on synchronized fields." Currently, only School of Nursing and Family Medicine profiles are supported at this time.

Activity Log Tab

The activity log displays a full log of edits made to the user’s directory profile; this includes the name of the editor, date and time of changes, and what changes were made.

Users Tab

This tab can be used to view, edit, and delete users listed within the department.

Searching for an existing user

Use the search bar at the top of the page to search for an existing user within your department.

Editing an existing user

Click the pencil icon to the left of a user in order to make edits to their profile. Clicking on the user’s name within the list will also open the profile for edits.

Removing a User (Please follow steps in this order)

  1. Click the pencil icon to the left of a user in order to make edits to their profile. Clicking on the user’s name within the list will also open the profile for edits.
  2. Go to the Preferences Tab first, to turn off all of the display options for the user's profile.

    Do not turn off display options if a user is listed in multiple departments under the Positions Section.

  3. Go to the General Tab, scroll down to the Professional Information Section, click on the Positions Section.
  4. Delete the Positions information so that the user will no longer display in your department. (Hint: Please follow step #2 first, before deleting positions/department).

    An editor can only remove their department if there are multiple departments listed. (Hint: no pencil icon or an X to delete, will be visible next to the department listed, if you are not the editor)

  5. To locate/contact the other editors if multiple departments are listed, please look up the users’ profile at https://directory.hsc.wvu.edu/. In the users’ profile, click on the Additions/Corrections? tab, this will list the editors of the profile.

    IMPORTANT REMINDER: If an Admin does not claim or add a users profile information to a department, then the profile will be deleted during an Orphan Purge, that randomly occurs once a month to remove unclaimed users. If a user no longer exist with a department or all of the display options have been turned off, the profile will also be deleted during an Orphan Purge. Once the profile is deleted, all of the previous information is removed and unable to retrieve.

HSC Directory Photos

User photos can only be uploaded or edited by SOLE Support. SOLE Support does not have access to photos, so all photos that need to be updated or uploaded to the HSC Directory and/or SOLE, must be submitted by a user or Directory Admin to solesupport@hsc.wvu.edu Photos will be declined if they do not meet the requirements. ** NOTE: All HSC employees are required to agree or disagree to the photo consent agreement on the HSC IT Security Awareness Training. Photos will not be displayed in SOLE or the HSC Directory if a user disagrees to the photo consent form on the HSC IT Security Awareness Training (Located under Step Four: Photo Agreement). If you are out of compliance or near the end of the yearly mandate to complete the HSC IT Security Awareness Training, then it may be best to just complete the whole training, changing your photo consent agreement. 
Directory Admins can locate the users status in the HSC Directory Manager, beneath the users profile photo box. There will be an alert box stating one of the following: Valid photo agreement in place; Valid agreement date. Employee DECLINED photo display; No agreement date and display photo is unchecked.

Click here for more information about photo requirements.

Sections Tab

  1. Click on the Sections tab to manage the sections for your department.
  2. Each section’s name, affiliated department, phone number, and address will be displayed on the Manage Sections page.
  3. Use the pencil icon to edit a section and the trashcan icon to delete a section.
  4. Use the green circle icon in the bottom right of the screen to create a new section.
  5. The Section Name and Location (Department) are required to create a section.
  6. The address, phone number, fax number, website and email address are optional settings.
  7. Sections can be applied to a user’s Position under Professional Information when applicable.

Departments Tab

The Departments Tab can be used to edit the departmental information. It will also list all users associated with that department. New departments can only be created by ITS Administrators. Please contact SOLE Support at solesupport@hsc.wvu.edu or 304-293-2491, Option 1 if you would like to request a new Department.

Json Feeds

Json feeds can be created for use on an outside webpage. Use the Departments, Individual Users or a combination of both can be added to the Json feed. Department search will give you a last name sort and position sort options. Users search will only give you a last name sort option.

One link is then created to use on your outside webpage: A Generated Feed URL

You must have access to the Directory Manager tool to be able to generate a Feed URL. If you do not have access to the Directory Manager tool or if you need help generating a feed URL, please email CMS Desk for assistance.