Grade Explanation

Once grades have been entered for a student, the Grade Explanation button becomes available within the Overall Grade column. This feature can explain grade calculations in both points-based and weighted gradebooks, and it’s accessible within both grouped and ungrouped gradebooks.

The Grade Explanation details the calculations used to derive the Overall Grade for the course. In a grouped gradebook, explanations for individual groups are also viewable while accessing that specific group.

In a points-based gradebook, the overall grade is calculated by adding all awarded points and dividing by the maximum achievable points. In a weighted gradebook, the overall grade is calculated by multiplying assigned weights by their grade percentages, dividing by the total relevant weight, and adding results to determine the final grade percentage.

Relevant assignments include those graded, used in calculations, not designated as extra credit, and not dropped. Extra credit assignments, groups, dropped scores, and any grade adjustments are also displayed within the Grade Explanation.

To use this feature, click the yellow icon within the Overall Grade column for the course or group being viewed:

Over all grade explanation icon in gradebook view

Remember! This feature becomes available only after grades are entered for one or more assignments/students.