Adjusting Exam Scores

SOLE Exam Scoring and Analysis

Adjusting Question Scoring

The Adjust Question Scoring feature allows you to modify the points earned on an exam question across all student submissions. This is useful for cases where a question is found to be misleading or incorrect, the correct answer was mistakenly marked incorrectly, or a question requires other modifications. Using this feature, you can mark a question correct for all students, ignore a question entirely, or adjust points for specific answer options in multiple-choice questions.

Important: If you adjust scoring due to an incorrectly keyed answer, update the question in the Question Bank to prevent future issues.

Adjustments and Gradebook
If the exam is linked to the Gradebook, grades can be further edited in the Gradebook after the exam closes. This does not change the exam score directly but allows you to assign a 0 to students who didn’t take the exam or add grades for paper submissions. Any Gradebook adjustments should occur after completing all exam score adjustments. Modifications made to grades within the exam itself will automatically reflect in the Gradebook.

Steps to Adjust Question Scoring

  1. Close the Exam: Ensure the exam is closed before making any scoring adjustments. Click the Adjust Question Scoring button to begin.
  2. Mark Correct or Ignore for All: A list of exam questions will appear with options to:
    • Mark correct for all: Awards points to all students for the question.
    • Mark ignored for all: Excludes the question from scoring for all students.
    • Confirm your choice by clicking “Ok.” You can cancel at this stage or undo your selection later by re-clicking the option.
    • If the exam is linked to the Gradebook, these scoring adjustments will reflect there automatically.
  3. Adjusting Answer Options: For multiple-choice questions, you can modify scoring by awarding or subtracting points for individual answer choices.
    • The number of students who selected each answer option will display.
    • Click the green plus icon to award points or the red minus icon to deduct points. If no students selected a particular answer, this option will not be available for that answer choice.
    • Note: Adjustments to individual answer options do not apply to new submissions if the exam is re-opened. If additional submissions are allowed, close the exam and reapply adjustments.
  4. For Fill-in-the-Blank Questions: Review incorrect answers listed under Additional student answers. To award points for one of these answers, use the green plus icon; to undo this, click the red minus icon.

Overriding Individual Exam Scores

To manually override the scoring for a specific student’s exam attempt, start in the Exam Reports section:

  1. Access Graded Submissions: Click Exam Reports and select the Graded tab to view all graded exam submissions.
    • If the exam includes ungraded essay questions, complete these first under the Ungraded tab before adjusting scores for other questions.
  2. Review and Adjust Scores: Click Review Attempts for the student whose score you want to modify.
    • Click View Exam to display the list of questions with earned points. Under each question, click the Override button, enter the adjusted score in the text box, and click Save.
  3. Editing Feedback: If feedback was provided for a question, click Edit to adjust the feedback message. Save the edited feedback by clicking Save.