Adding Questions to an Exam
- After you have created your exam you will be prompted to use the Add Questions button to begin adding questions to the exam.
An exam must be set to Draft Mode before questions can be added. Once you have released or closed an exam you can no longer edit the questions it contains.
- Upon the creation of an exam, a Default Section is created. Use the Add Section button to create additional sections.
- After you have created your exam sections you can begin adding questions to the exam by clicking the Add Questions button, under the appropriate section. This will take you to the Question Bank and provide you with all possible questions that can be added. You can also create new questions to add to the exam here as well.
If you want to edit the sections and/or questions of an exam you have already created you can do so by going into the Exams tool, clicking into the exam, and then clicking the Manage Questions button.
Adding Questions from the Question Bank
- After clicking the Add Questions button, you will see a list of the questions from the Question Bank including their question type, titles, categories and tags. You can also use the Preview Question icon to preview the entire question or the Question Usage icon to see which exams are currently using the question.
- Use the Select check box below a question to select it. The question will then be highlighted in blue and the number of questions selected will be counted at the top of the screen. Use the Add Questions button to add all selected questions to the exam. Use the Select All button to add all questions listed on the screen to the exam without selecting them individually.
- When adding questions from the Question Bank, the questions will automatically be added using the points they were given when created. After selecting a questions, you can change the point value by clicking the number and typing in the new value before adding the questions to the exam. You can also change the point value for all questions within a section by editing the section itself.
- Once you have selected a question from the Question Bank an option to denote the question as Extra Credit within the exam becomes available.
If the section has been set to randomly select a number of questions then Extra Credit questions cannot be added to it because some students may be given the EC question and some may not.
- You can both Search and Filter questions within the Question Bank as well. Search by typing key words of phrases into the search box above the question list. Use the Show Filters button and use the drop down menus to filter by question type, categories, and tags.
You can also filter questions by clicking the question type, category, or tag icons from an individual question as well.
- You can also filter and search your questions across SOLE, meaning you can view questions from the course itself or from across all of your courses in SOLE, again using the drop down menu when filtering. This allows you to insert a question from one course into an exam within another course. This can only be done with courses in which you are a course administrator.
Once you have used a question in two or more courses you can no longer edit that question.
- Once you have selected all of your questions, click Add Questions at the top of the screen to add them to the exam.
- Once you have added questions to an exam you can use the Manage Questions icon to review and edit the questions.
- Below the question you will see two icons; the pencil icon will edit the question and the trashcan icon will remove the question from the exam.
- The point value and question type are listed above the question as well. To change this value, click the edit icon and enter a new point value.
- Questions edited within the Question Bank are not updated within any exams they've been added to. So, if you need to edit a question that has been added to an exam, you must do do within the exam itself. A question that is edited within an exam can then be saved within the exam only or saved in both the exam and updated in the Question Bank by choosing the appropriate button at the bottom of the page.
Again, you can only edit questions within an exam that is still in draft mode. Once you have released the exam the questions can be viewed but not edited.
- Once you have added questions to exams you can review usage data within the Question Bank by clicking the Preview Question icon below each question. This will tell you how many times a question has been used and in which exam(s).
- Use the trashcan icon below a question to delete it from the exam. This removes it from the exam but does not delete it from within the Question Bank.
Creating New Questions within an Exam
- You can also add a brand new question from within the exam as well by clicking the Circle + button in the top left of the screen.
- This will create a new question and automatically add it to the Question Bank.
- Please review Creating Exam Questions for more information on creating questions.