Begin by accessing Exams from within Assessments and clicking the Add Exam icon.
Once you've clicked to add an exam you'll be prompted to edit the exam's settings. This includes the General Settings (General, Availability, Access Control, Learning Objectives, Dependent Release, and Gradebook tabs) and Advanced Settings.
Once you have defined all settings (you can edit the exam later if you want to change anything) finish adding the exam by clicking the Add Exam button at the bottom right of the screen. You can also choose to Cancel the addition by clicking the red button.
After you add the examthe Exam Details page will be displayed. Use the Add Questions button to begin adding questions to the exam.
The following icons will appear at the top right of the screen:
Edit (pencil icon) – allows you to edit the exam's general and advanced settings.
Delete (trashcan icon) – deletes the entire exam, including all questions and any submissions made by students.
Access Reports (chart icon) – contains viewing data of which students have visited the exam and which features they visited.
Menu (stacked lines icon)– click here to view the Activity Log (displays all administrator editing activity), Content Details (content type and attached objectives), and to Print this Page.