Email & Text Notifications
You can choose to receive notifications by email and/or text message to your cell phone. You can also can select the types of notifications you wish to receive by email or text.
To access Notifications Settings, click your SOLE profile photo in the top right of the screen to access User Settings & Options. Click to select your User Profile and then select the Notifications tab. Notifications settings can also be accessed by clicking the gear icon from within the Notifications Center.
Email Notifications
By default most email notifications are turned off and they must be turned on from within “Notifications Settings” if you wish to receive email notifications. These emails will automatically be sent to the email address associated with the SOLE account.
Additional email addresses can be added by clicking the green Manage Contact Options button and entering another email address then clicking Save.
If multiple email addresses are added, each address can be set with its own individual notifications.
An email containing a confirmation code will be sent to the address. This code will need to be entered before notifications can be received at that address. Use the buttons next to the new address to either confirm the code, resend the code, or cancel the email addition. Click the Save button once the code as has been entered to save the new email address.
- To access the email notification settings use the Contact Options drop down menu to select an email address.
- Use the radio dials to choose the frequency in which you wish to receive each notification (ASAP, Daily, Weekly, or Never) for that address.
- The frequency selections are automatically saved.
Notifications for hidden courses/sites will not be emailed. If you wish to receive email notifications from a hidden course or site you must first make it visible on the SOLE Homepage.
Cell Phone Notifications
You can use the green Manage Contact Options button to enter a cell phone number in order to receive text message notifications.
- Use the Contact Type drop down menu to select Cell Phone.
- Add the cell phone number (including area code but excluding dashes) and then use the drop down menu to select the cellular service provider. Next, click the Save button.
- A confirmation code will be texted to the cell number. This code will need to be entered before notifications can be received at that number. Use the buttons next to the phone number to either confirm the code, resend the code, or cancel the phone number addition.
- After you have confirmed the phone number you will need to select it from the Contact Options drop down menu and then turn on the types of notifications you wish to receive by text.
Notifications for hidden courses/sites will not be texted. If you wish to receive text notifications from a hidden course or site you must first make it visible on the SOLE Homepage.