Turning Point for Faculty
If you need to download the program you can do so from the Turning Technologies website.
Extracting the Roster from SOLE & Linking the Roster to TurningPoint
Students that have registered a TurningPoint response device will now have an icon next to their name in the class Roster located within Information on SOLE. You will need to extract this Roster from SOLE in order to link the students from SOLE to TurningPoint.
- Locate the class Roster located within Information in your SOLE course.
- All students that have activated a response device will now have an icon next to their name on the Roster.
- Click the TurningPoint Schema button to create a document scheme. Open this document and it will automatically open TurningPoint and attempt to move the scheme file to the TurningPoint Scheme folder. Hit OK twice to complete the process.
- Return to the class Roster in SOLE. Click the TurningPoint Export button to create an Excel document containing the class participant list. Save this document to a designated folder on your computer (it will also be automatically saved to the Downloads folder on your computer).
- Return to TurningPoint. Make sure that the Manage tab is selected and click the Participant List drop down menu. Choose Import then select File from Integration. Use the drop down menu to choose SOLE from the format list and click Choose File.
- Locate the exported participant list from your previously designated folder and click Open. You will now see a list of all class participants. The class name will appear in the left navigation.
- Repeat these steps for each class. You will also need to update these files any time a new student is added to a course or a new TurningPoint response device is registered to a student on the Roster.
Creating Polling Questions/Polling
The PowerPoint Polling environment is embedded directly into PowerPoint and allows you to create questions by utilizing PowerPoint slides.
- To open the PowerPoint Polling environment begin by opening TurningPoint.
- Select the Polling tab then select the appropriate participant list from the left navigation.
- Click PowerPoint Polling. This will open PowerPoint and you can now create polling slides directly in PowerPoint.
- Choose to create a blank presentation to begin adding questions by clicking New at the top left of your screen and choosing a question slide type.
- Enter the question text and answer text if available. Add as many slides as needed and when finished, save the PowerPoint presentation.
- Use the PowerPoint Slide Show functionality to run the polling presentation.
- Saving the PowerPoint presentation does not save the session data. Therefore to save data, click Save in the Sessions section of the TurningPoint toolbar.
- Name the session file and click Save. Session files should be stored in the default save location.
- Close PowerPoint and return to the TurningPoint dashboard. Now that the session has been saved, reports can be generated and the results can be managed.
- Visit Turning Technologies for more detailed User Guides.