i>clicker for Faculty
Install Software from i>clicker Device
Once you have connected the i>clicker USB Base to your computer you will need to install the software. The flash drive in the Instructor Kit includes the i>clicker software. If you did not receive a flash drive, you can download the software free of charge at iclicker.com.
- Locate the i>clicker portable device drive on your computer.
- Open the i>clicker Win v6.2 folder (or i>clicker Mac v6.2 if you are using a Mac computer).
It is recommended that you double-click the WebUpdate icon the first time you use i>clicker. Running WebUpdate ensures you are using the latest version of i>clicker.
- Double click i>clicker.exe to start the program.
- You will begin by creating a new course:
- Click New.
- In the New Course window, enter the Course Name, Number, and Section Number. Click the Create button.
- Your course will now be added to the list. Repeat these steps to create as many courses or sections as you need.
- Once you have created your courses they will be saved in the Classes folder within the i>clicker Win v6.2 folder.
- Set-Up Instructions and a User Guide are also located within the i>clicker Win v6.2 folder (or i>clicker Mac v6.2 if you are using a Mac computer). For specific technical questions, email support@iclicker.com or call toll-free at 866-209-5698.
Extracting the Roster from SOLE & Linking the Roster to i>clicker
Students that have registered an i>clicker device will now have an icon next to their name in the class Roster located within course Information on SOLE. You will need to extract this Roster from SOLE in order to link the students from SOLE to i>clicker.
- Locate the class Roster located within Information in your SOLE course.
- All students that have activated an i>clicker device will now have an icon next to their name on the Roster.
- Click the i>clicker Roster Export button. This will create a text document containing all students in the course. The Roster will be formatted as “Last Name, First Name, Student ID Number”.
- Save this text document to the appropriate class (located in the Classes folder within the i>clicker Win v6.2 folder).
It is important that this document be saved as “Roster.txt” in order to link the Roster correctly. There is already a roster text document located in the folder but you want to replace it with your exported Roster.
- Once you have saved the Roster to the Classes folder return to the i>clicker application.
- Click Course from the toolbar and then click Open Roster. You should now see your class Roster. If you do not see the class Roster return to the Classes folder and make sure that your Roster text document is named correctly (“Roster.txt”).
- Next you will want to return to the Roster within SOLE and click i>clicker Remote Export.
- This will export an Excel document containing student ID numbers and i>clicker ID numbers.
- Save this document to the appropriate class (located in the Classes folder within the i>clicker Win v6.2 folder). However, this time you will need to save it to the SessionData folder located within the Classes folder.
It is important that this document be saved as “RemoteID.csv” in order to link correctly. There is already a remote document located in the folder but you want to replace it with your exported document.
- Repeat these steps for each class. You will also need to update these files any time a new student is added to a course or a new i>clicker device is registered to a student on the Roster.
Starting a Polling Session
- At the Welcome to i>clicker screen, select a course and click Choose.
- At the i>clicker Home Page, click Start Session.
- The Session Toolbar appears in the top-left corner of your screen. The toolbar can be repositioned anywhere on your desktop.
- When you are ready to start polling, have your students turn on their clickers, present the question, and click the button on the toolbar that matches the type of question you are asking:
- For Multiple Choice, True/False, or Yes/No, press the “A-E” button.
- For Numeric (open-ended response), press the “123” button.
- For Alphanumeric (open-ended response), Multiple Response, Order/Rank/Sequence, press the “abc/123” button.
- To stop polling, click the Stop button.
- Set-Up Instructions and a User Guide are also located within the i>clicker Win v6.2 folder (or i>clicker Mac v6.2 if you are using a Mac computer). For specific technical questions, email support@iclicker.com or call toll-free at 866-209-5698.