
SOLE Roster

Roster provides you with pictures of the users of the course/site (if available). This is an added security feature for proctored exams.

Accessing Roster

  1. Click Information from the Left Navigation.
  2. Click Roster from the Left Navigation or the Main Content Area.
  3. By default, all available users within the course/site will be displayed. To select roles to be excluded from display, click the Settings tab and select the role(s) you would like to exclude and Remove them from the Included list placing them in the Excluded list on the left.
  4. To remove Roles from the excluded list, click to select them and then click the Add button.
  5. Click Save The Roster when you are finished.
  6. Click the Roster tab to view the users in the Included Roles. You can also click on a user to send an email to them.

If you would like to have photos added to a profile, please contact your SOLE Administrator.

Viewing Response Devices

You can also view information about the Response Devices from within Roster. If users within the course have added TurningPoint or i>Clicker information to their SOLE account this information can be exported from within Roster. This includes the TurningPoint Export, TurningPoint Schema, i>Clicker Roster Export, and the i>Clicker Remote Export.