Weighting Groups and Assignments
he Gradebook allows for grade calculations based on preset percentage weights, applicable in both ungrouped and grouped formats. You can assign weights to both individual assignments and groups, with the flexibility to customize how each contributes to the overall grade. By default, assignments in a group contribute to the group grade based on total points; however, you can also set weights for assignments within a group, enabling each assignment to have a unique impact on the group’s grade.
For instance, in a Gradebook with separate Exams and Homework groups, calculations can be set so that Exams account for 75% and Homework 25% of the total grade. Within each group, individual assignments contribute to the group’s weighted percentage. Moreover, assignments within a group—such as Midterm and Final Exam in the Exams group—can each be weighted to count as 50% of the Exams group grade, irrespective of their individual point totals.