Rubrics are multidimensional scoring tools designed to ensure consistent and objective grading. They break down scoring criteria so that multiple instructors assessing the same assignment can provide uniform scores. This objectivity in grading makes rubrics ideal for evaluating subjective work like essays or presentations, where clear scoring criteria guide teachers toward consistent scores.
For example, a Research Presentation rubric might grade students on three criteria: Content, Display, and Presentation. Each criterion could have several defined competency levels (e.g., Excellent, Good, Fair, Needs Improvement), with each level assigned a weighted score that contributes to the overall grade. This structure enables teachers to evaluate each criterion with clear, predefined benchmarks.
Rubrics also benefit students by clarifying what is expected for each assignment and outlining specific targets for success. For teachers, rubrics serve as a straightforward, efficient grading guide, enhancing transparency in evaluation and helping to standardize assessments across different graders.
The Rubric Scales feature in SOLE’s Gradebook makes creating and applying rubrics possible, but it must be activated in the Gradebook tool, which is only accessible if the Gradebook is enabled through the Control Panel. This Gradebook-specific setting allows rubrics to be attached to Assignments, Chats, Discussions, and Journals, thus embedding objective assessment criteria directly into the grading process.