Linking Recordings to Content

Joining a Session

One way to link a recording is to use the Join Session button when adjusting the Recording Settings prior to beginning a recording.  This is used to select a previously created Multiformat folder within Content of your SOLE course. The Multiformat folder must have been set with a date and time within Calendar Settings in order for it to be listed within the Join Session list. If Join Session is not utilized, the recording will be uploaded into the Panopto Queue and can be manually linked within SOLE when adding Content.

To use the Join Session feature, begin by creating a Multiformat folder within SOLE Content:

  1. Click to access Content within your SOLE course/site, then click to Add Content.
  2. Select the Multiformat icon.
  3. Give the Multiformat a title and make sure Associated Files option 5 and 6 are open.
  4. Scroll down to “Calendar Settings” and give the folder an effective date, time, and duration. Click “Add Multiformat” to save these settings.

NOTE: This is an important step and must be completed in order for the Multiformat to be listed within the Join Session drop-down list.

  1. The Multiformat folder will also need to be Released (it cannot be in Draft Mode) in order to utilize the Join Session feature.

Now that the Multiformat folder is created, Calendar settings have been set, and it is in Released status, you can use the Join Session button when recording your Panopto Session to automatically link the recording to the folder.

Before you begin a recording, you will set the Session Settings for the recording. This includes the Folder (course or site in which you are recording) and the recording Name. The Join Session button is to the left of the Name text box. Click this button to view the available Multiformat folders within the course in which you can link the recording and select the appropriate folder. Upon the completion and submission of your recording, the MP4 video and MP3 audio files will be linked to the Multiformat folder you’ve specified.

The Panopto Queue

The queue can be used to manually link recordings to Content. Click to Add new Content and select the Panopto Queue. You’ll see recorded sessions “From this course” that have not already been linked to Content. You may also see sessions recorded within other Courses in which you have access as well as sessions that may have been shared with you. If there are no recordings available to be linked, the queue will not be available.

To link a recording via the Panopto Queue:

  1. Click to add Content.
  2. Select the Panopto Queue.
  3. Select a recording.
  4. There are two options when linking a recording to a Multiformat folder:
    • Create a new multiformat – this will create a new Multiformat folder, attach the recording (the MP4 video and MP3 audio files), and allow you to add a title for the folder.
    • Attach to an existing multiformat – provides a drop-down menu in which you can select a previously created Multiformat folder in which to attach the recording.