Defining TurnItIn Assignment Settings

SOLE Assignment Settings

Not all SOLE installations will include Turnitin.

The General Tab will open automatically after you’ve clicked to add a Turnitin assignment. This is where you will define SOLE’s settings for the assignment.

  1. SOLE’s settings include the Title, Due Date, Maximum Points, and Gradebook Settings. The assignment will automatically be added to the Gradebook.
    • Title – This is the title of your Turnitin assignment. This is also the title that will be given to the assignment within the Gradebook.
    • Due Date – Allows you to set the date and time that assignment must be submitted by. Users will not be able to submit to the assignment after this date/time.
    • Maximum Points – Setting a number of maximum points is mandatory because Turnitin assignments are automatically linked to the Gradebook. You will still need to add points even if you are not going to use the assignment in the total grade calculation.
    • Gradebook Group – If the Gradebook is Grouped than you must use the drop down menu to choose which group the assignment will appear in within the Gradebook. If the Gradebook is not grouped then this will not be an option.
    • Scale – The assignment will automatically be graded using the Default grading scale. If additional grading scales have been created you can select one using the drop down menu.
    • Grading Method – You can grade the assignment by entering points, using a grading scale (drop down menu of letter grades which awards the upper end of the selected percentage range defined within the Gradebook), or using a rubric (must be defined through Gradebook settings).
    • Later you will grade the assignment using either Quick Grade or the Detailed Grader within the Gradebook. The Detailed Grader can only be used to grade and leave comments and does not display the student’s submission. You may also use GradeMark within Turnitin to grade the assignment. Grades entered through GradeMark will populate into the Gradebook but you will be required to create a rubric within GradeMark to do so.
    • Is Used in Calculations – Assignments are automatically attached to the Gradebook but it is not mandatory to include assignments in the final grade calculations for the course. Uncheck this box to exclude the assignment grade from the final grade calculations.
    • Is Extra Credit – Assignment grades can be added to the Gradebook as Extra Credit instead of a regular graded assignment by clicking this checkbox.
    • Directions – Use the text editor to enter directions for the assignment here. Directions are not mandatory when creating your assignment.
  2. The assignment will automatically be published in Released mode but can be changed to Draft mode under the Availability Tab which contains the publish and release status of the assignment.
  3. The Availability Tab also allows you to set a Released Date and an Expiration Date.
    • Selecting a released date sets the date/time that the assignment becomes available to students. If the assignment is released and the release date is set to a future date/time then the assignment will not be available until that date/time.
    • There is also a Start Date located within the Settings of the Turnitin assignment. The Start Date will match the SOLE Released Date upon creation of the assignment. If you need to update this date, be sure to change it in both locations to ensure that the assignment releases at the correct date/time.
    • The expiration date sets a date/time in which the assignment becomes unavailable. Once an assignment expires it will no longer be visible to students.
    • If you want to show the assignment in Content you must first submit the assignment creation then return and edit the assignment. The Show in Site Content checkbox will now be located on the Availability tab. Click the checkbox to create a content item in Content for the assignment.

      This is not available during the creation of the assignment and will only become available if you edit an existing assignment.

  4. All students have access to the assignment unless restrictions are made. The Access Control Tab can be used to set restrictions based on your user list and preset roles. To enable restrictions, select any of the three Add Restrictions buttons within this tab.
    • Add User Restrictions - click this button to display the User List and Add/Remove specific users to/from the access list.
    • Add Small Group Restrictions - click this button to display the Small Groups List and Add/Remove Small Groups you have created to/from the access list.
    • Add Role Restrictions - click this button to display the Role list and Add/Remove Roles to/from the access list.
  5. The Dependent Release Tab allows you to release an assignment based upon the completion of set criteria. For example, you can set the assignment to be released once a user has scored at least an 80% on a previous exam or submitted a certain number of posts to a discussion.
  6. The Advanced Options Tab allows you to define Customer Parameters. Most LTI providers do not require custom parameters. However, if you choose to define them, custom parameters should be in the form: key=value.
  7. Once you have completed all settings click the green Add Turnitin button. You will be directed to the assignment’s main page.

Turnitin Assignment Settings

Once you have created the Turnitin assignment within SOLE there are additional settings that can be defined using Turnitin itself.

  1. Return to the Turnitin tool from within Assessment and click on the assignment you would like to edit.
  2. You will immediately be taken to the main page for the assignment which is the Assignment Dropbox.
  3. Click on the Settings tab at the top of the screen:
    • Title – has already been defined during the creation of the SOLE assignment.
    • Instructions – This setting allows the instructor to provide instructions to students about the assignment.
    • Allow submission of any file type? – This setting will allow any file type to be submitted. With this option set to 'Yes', submissions will be checked for originality where possible, submissions will be available for download and GradeMark feedback tools will be available where possible.
    • Max Grade – This setting allows the instructor to set a point value for the assignment. Setting a point value allows the grade to be set by rubrics (if used) and be sent to the grade book.
    • Start Date – This is the start of the assignment. It is when the assignment becomes available for students to submit to. Submissions are not possible before the start date. This date will automatically populate to the date/time that the assignment was created so if you would like it to release at a later date you must change this date after creating the assignment. If you need to update this date later, be sure to change it here and in the SOLE Settings for the assignment to ensure that the assignment releases at the correct date/time.
    • Due Date – The date and time set for the assignment due date indicates when students must complete their work. Re-submissions are no longer allowed after the due date of the assignment has passed. This date populates to 7 days after the creation date and must be changed if you do not wish to keep this setting. If you need to update this date later, be sure to change it here and in the SOLE Settings for the assignment to ensure that the assignment is due at the correct date/time.
    • Feedback release date – This date is the date and time students can begin viewing the comments and grades instructors have left on their papers in GradeMark. If this date has passed then that means students can view their comments and grade within the Turnitin Assignment even if you have not released the grades within the SOLE Settings. So be sure to update this date to release at the correct time.
  4. You may also set Optional Settings by clicking the link to expand the settings options. For more information on these settings please visit the Turnitin Optional Settings Knowledge Article.
  5. If you are using Turnitin to grade the assignment you cannot use the rubric function within SOLE but you can attach a rubric using GradeMark within Turnitin. A rubric must be attached if you wish to grade within Turnitin. You do not need to attach a rubric if you plan on grading the assignment using Quick Grade within the SOLE Gradebook of the course/site. Please visit the Turnitin Rubric Help Center page (begin with Step 3) for more information on attaching a rubric to your assignment using GradeMark.
  6. Once you have completed these defining these settings click the blue submit button to save your changes.