Accessibility Checker

The Accessibility Checker is used for checking content against accessibility guidelines. It is an innovative solution that lets administrators inspect the accessibility level of content created using SOLE's Editor toolbar and immediately solve any accessibility issues that are found. It provides a flexible way to test for certain problems (for example, images missing an alt text) through a collection of over 250 accessibility tests.

To run the Accessibility Checker, click the Check Accessibility (Check Accessibility) toolbar button. Once the button is clicked, Accessibility Checker will perform the content checking process. Typically it takes a fraction of a second. Depending on the result, Accessibility Checker will switch to checking mode or state via popup alert that the document contains no accessibility issues.

Checking Mode

Checking mode is enabled when there is at least one issue in the editor content. It will display a panel containing the tools needed for understanding and solving the problem.

It is designed for:

  • Quick problem identification (with a meaningful title, description, help links).
  • Navigation over the detected issues.
  • Fixing the problems, ideally without leaving the panel.

Checking mode will work on a single issue at a time, allowing the user to iterate over all issues found in the document. If no issues are found in the document, Accessibility Checker will state via popup alert that the document contains no accessibility issues.

Issues reported by Accessibility Checker can also be ignored. This can be done by clicking the Ignore button for each selected issue in the Accessibility Checker panel.

What Exactly Are Issues?

An issue represents a single accessibility problem within content, as defined by the checking engine. Issues are grouped into different types:

  • Error – The checking engine is 100% certain that the highlighted element contains an accessibility issue.
  • Warning – The checking engine discovered that there is a possibility of a given error, but it does not have a 100% certainty.
  • Notice – The checking engine has no way to detect this issue, so it points an issue only as a notice and the user can verify if the content satisfies the given rule.

In checking mode the highlight color will slightly differ (ranging from red for an error through yellow for a warning to gray for a notice) in order to hint the issue type.

Using Quick Fixes

Quick Fix is a powerful feature designed to solve issues as quickly as possible, without leaving the Accessibility Checker panel.

There are two Quick Fix types:

  • Automatic – Does not require any user input at all to fix the problem. For automatic Quick Fixes the user’s job is to just press the Quick Fix button in the Accessibility Checker panel. Once the button is pressed, the fix is applied. This will result in a change of the HTML source of the content.
  • Semi-automatic – Requires the user to provide some information before applying the Quick Fix, typically requested by a form text input in the Accessibility Checker panel. For example, entering Alt Text for an image.