
Textbooks easily displays information and front cover images of texts used within a SOLE course. Instructors can add required and additional or optional texts.

To access the Textbooks begin by clicking Information from the Left Navigation then clicking Textbooks.

Viewing Textbooks

  1. Click Information from the Left Navigation.
  2. Click Textbooks from the Left Navigation or the Main Content Area.
  3. This will bring up a page that lists the textbooks your instructor has chosen for your course.

Adding Textbooks

In order to utilize Textbooks you must have the tool activated under the Control Panel's Tool tab.

  1. Click Information from the Left Navigation.
  2. Click Textbooks from the Left Navigation or the Main Content Area.
  3. Click the green plus sign icon on the top left of the screen to add a new textbook.
  4. Enter the ISBN number from the back of the textbook (This number is a ten of thirteen digit number printed on the jacket of books published in the U.S.).
  5. Click off of the ISBN text box and the rest of the General Book Information should automatically fill in based on the ISBN entered.
  6. Review the information and make any additions/corrections.
  7. Use the Course-Specific Information settings to set the book as required and enter any details or other comments you want students to know about the text. If you are only using a selected number of pages, include that information here.
  8. Click Add Textbook once all settings have been entered.

After you have added a textbook you can edit it's information by clicking the Edit icon. Click the Delete icon to delete the textbook.