Dependent Release

After creating a Content Object, you have the option to make its release dependent. Dependent Release allows the Site Administrator to control the availability of a Content Object based on the completion of another Content Object.

  1. To access the Dependent Release tab, navigate to the tool/content object you would like to edit.
  2. Click the Edit icon on the top right of the Main Content Area.
  3. Click the Dependent Release tab.
  4. Select the desired dependent Tool and any following settings based on the Tool selection.
  5. Click Update.

If you have assigned a Content Object to be released at a future date through Availability Settings, applied an Access Control that does not include you, or assigned a Dependent Release, the Content Object will be grayed out in the Administrator's view. The content will not be available until all criteria are met. View the Permissions Summary to see a report of all permissions applied to a content object.

Dependent Release can be used on Tools that necessitate a submission from the student, including Assignments, Exams, Discussion, Gradebook, Journal and Surveys. It can also be used based on content views within Course Content.

  1. Assignments - Used to release an object based on the submission of a specific Assignment.
  2. Chat - Used to release an object based on the number of times a user has posted to a specific Chat session.
  3. Checklist - Used to release an object once the user has completed all requirements of the Checklist.
  4. Discussion - Used to release an object based on the number of times a user has posted to a specific Discussion.
  5. Form - Used to release an object based on the submission of a specific Form.
  6. Gradebook - Used to release an object based on the number of points a user has earned on a specific Gradebook assignment. 
  7. Journal - Used to release an object based on the submission of a specific Journal.
  8. Survey - Used to release an object based on the submission of a specific Survey.
  9. View Specified Content - Used to release an object once the user has clicked to view a specified piece of content.
  10. View Specified # of content in Folder - If you are utilizing folders within Course Content then you can release an object based on a specific number or content views within the folder. For example, if a folder contains five pieces of content, you can release an object once the user has clicked and viewed at least three of them.