Chat Room Environment

  1. Begin by clicking Chat from within Communication in the Left Navigation.

    If your instructor chooses, Chat may also appear in sequence within Content.

  2. Click the name of the chat in which you wish to participate.
  3. You will automatically enter into the chat room.
  4. If the chat room is graded it will be labeled as so at the top of the page.
  5. If the chat is graded, the instructor may also leave you Grade Feedback which is available from within the Gradebook. Typically, Grade Feedback is only visible after grades have been released unless otherwise indicated by your instructor.
  6. There are three blue buttons at the bottom of the chat:
    • Open in popup window – creates a separate window for the chat room. This allows you to move around in SOLE while still remaining in the chat room. However, if you exit SOLE you are exited from the chat room as well. Also, if you exit the popup chat you are exiting the chat altogether. You will need to re-enter the chat from within SOLE if you want to remain in the chat.
    • Mute Sounds – Chat automatically plays sounds (when someone enters or leaves the room or when a new message is sent or received). Click this button to mute those sounds and click it again to unmute sounds.
  7. You will see the chat room messages, including information on when users have entered and left the room, in the middle of the screen. Messages will be labeled with a timestamp as well.
  8. Type your messages in the text box at the bottom of the chat room and hit Enter on your keyboard to send your message. Your messages will display on the left side of the chat and will be listed under your name. Chat message sent by other users will display under their name as well.
    • Click the smiley face icon to open a list of chat emojis. Click on an emoji to add it to your chat message.
  9. Under “Rooms” will list all chat rooms available within the course and you can click to switch between chat rooms from this list.
  10. Under “Online” will display a current list of users that are in the chat room. By default, your messages are sent to everyone in the room.
  11. You can also send Private Messages to a single user within the room by clicking their name before sending your message. This will open a private chat screen between the two of you.
    • A red number will be displayed next to a user’s name within the “Online” list once they have started a private chat with you. Click on the person’s name to view their private message.
    • Click on the chat under “Rooms” to continue messaging within the chat room rather than the private message.
  12. Under “Offline” will display a list of users within the course that are not currently in the chat room.
  13. You can exit the chat by exiting the Chat tool or exiting out of the popup chat.