Grading Live Polling

To assign points to questions and/or grade live polling submissions, the poll MUST be linked to the Gradebook. However, it does not need to be included in grade calculations. Linking to the Gradebook after questions have been added to the poll will result in each question being assigned one point but questions can be edited to manually change their point value. The total points from all questions within a poll are then used to award a grade based on the Answer Option Settings and Gradebook Settings for the poll.

By default, all questions are set to be Incorrect. This means, points can be awarded for answering the question without needing to select a correct answer in order to receive full credit.

However, the red Incorrect icon next to one answer can be clicked to denote it as Correct. When grading questions with a defined Correct answer, students will only be awarded points for selecting the correct answer unless Gradebook Settings for the Poll have been adjusted.

When editing the Gradebook settings for a poll, there is an option to Award partial credit for incorrect answer. This feature can be used to award 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of the points for incorrect answer selections.  Awarding partial credit is only necessary for polls that contain one or more questions with designated correct answers.

For example, select 100% in order to award full points for participation, regardless if the correct answer was chosen. Or, leave it at 0% if they should only receive points for correct answers.