Gradebook Settings

Once grades are entered into the Gradebook, modifying Gradebook settings can alter the grade calculations.

Decimal Precision – Refers to the number of decimal points the grades are displayed with; defaults to 2 decimal points; click green edit button to change the number of decimal points.

Final Grade Scale – The Grade Scale is set to this Default:

A: 100%-90%

B: 89.99%-80%

C: 79.99%-75%

D: 74.99%-68%

F: 67.99%-0%

  • The Final/Default Grade Scale will be used to determine the letter grade awarded based on the percentage points earned. 
  • This scale is used to calculate the final grade for the course but also applies to all graded assessments unless an Additional Grading Scale is used.
  • Click the “Edit Grading Scale” button to edit the scale. You can edit the boundaries by editing the Lower Boundary numbers. The Upper Boundary numbers will automatically adjust to the numbers entered for the Lower Boundary.
  • A minimum of two ranges is required to create a valid grading scale.
  • Once you have made these changes to the Default you can return to edit the Final Grade Scale to set a new default. This time you will see a check box for “Is Default” available on your edited version. If you do not wish to use this as the default uncheck this box. The current scale will be saved as an Additional Grading Scale and the Final Grade Scale will revert back to the original default.

Additional Grading Scales – You can create additional grading scales as well.  You are required to define the Scale Name, Grade Designation (A, B, C, etc), and the upper and lower percentage boundaries (ranges) for the grade designation.  A minimum of two ranges is required to create a valid grading scale. Click the check box next to “Is Default” to make the new scale the default scale under Final Grade Scale.

  • You can view details (blue question mark icon), edit, or delete the scale under the Additional Grading Scale settings.

Rubric Scales – Rubric grading scales are used in conjunction with the Assignments, Chat, Discussions, and Journal tools.

  • Please visit the Rubric Help Pages for more information on creating, editing, and using Rubrics.
  • You can import a rubric from another course as long as you were the one who created it.
  • Once a Rubric is created it becomes an available Grading Method option within the Assignments, Chat, Discussions, and Journal tools. Once you have chosen to grade using a rubric you will then need to choose the correct rubric from the drop down menu by title.
  • Rubric Grading can also be used on Gradebook assignments that are not attached to a tool. For example, you may want to use the Detailed Grader to grade an assignment that students submitted on paper. To do this, create the assignment with in the Gradebook and choose the Rubric as the grading scale.

Grade Display Format – Allows you to choose how the grade is displayed in the Gradebook. Options include: Points Only, Points and Letter Grade, Letter Grade Only, Letter Grade and Percentage, Letter Grade and Points, Percentage Only, Percentage and Points, and Percentage and Letter Grade.

  • Choosing the Grade Display Format here will set the display for all assignments in the Gradebook. You can also change this setting for individual assignments within the Gradebook by Editing the assignment. Individual assignment settings with override the Grade Display Format set within the overall Gradebook settings.
  • However, his does not affect the way that grades are displayed to students. Students will always view their letter grade, points earned, and grade percentage for the course and individual assignments.
  1. Grouping – These settings can be used to organize assignments into groups (Exams, Assignments, Homework, etc).
    • Grouping also allows enhanced grade calculations such as weighted assignment groups, automatic dropped grades, and attendance tracking.
    • By default total points will be used to calculate the course grade. This is true for a grouped gradebook as well unless assignments are weighted using Calculations settings (see below).
    • You cannot create groups within groups. However, you can weight individual assignments within Groups using Calculations settings (see below).
    • Once you have enabled Grouping, use the green plus sign icon to add a new Group. You'll be required to give the group a name, designate the number of lowest scores to drop (if applicable), and chose whether the group is used in calculations, is extra credit, or if you'd like to weight the individual assignments within the group.
    • If assignments have already been added to the Gradebook, a default group titled "Ungrouped" will automatically be created. Once a second group has been added, you may edit the "Ungrouped" group's settings. 
    • You cannot name a new group as “Attendance” beacuse this title is reserved as a default group name. If you wish to add a group for Attendance it is best to use Attendance Tracking. 

Attendance Tracking – Used to specify the role of attendance in this gradebook. Gradebook must be Grouped in order to track attendance.

  • Should it be tracked?
  • If it’s tracked should it be used in calculations?
  • If used in calculations how many points is each date worth? Is the attendance extra credit? Should the dates be weighted (each date represents its own percentage of the attendance grade).

    If the grade is weighted each date must be given a percentage towards a total of 100%.

  • Select the dates from the date picker calendar that you would like to track.

Calculations – Grades can be calculated as either “Total Points” or in “Weighted Assignment Groups”.

  • A "Total Points" gradebook is calculated by the total number of points earned, divided by the total number of points possible. This can apply to both Grouped and Ungrouped gradebooks.
  • A "Weighted Assignment Groups" gradebook allows you to assign a percentage to each group and/or individual assignments, designating it's contribution to the total grade.
  • Individual assignments can be weighted as part of a Grouped or Ungrouped gradebook. Assignments weighted within a group contribute to the Group's grade, which then contributes to the Overall Grade.
  • The weight percentage total (for groups and/or individual assignments within a group) must equal to 100% when using a weighted gradebook. Otherwise, you will not be able to save the calculations.

Drop scores – Allows you to drop the lowest score (or multiple scores) from the final grade calculation. Grades will be dropped automatically once there are more graded assignments in the assignment group than scores to be dropped.

  • Until assignments in that group are scored there will be no dropped scores. This is useful for allowing a group to be self-study or have multiple attempts on an exam. For example, a practice exam can be taken four times with the highest score being retained. Three grades are dropped and only the highest score earned remains.
  • Extra credit assignments will not be dropped.
  • In weighted gradebooks, the percentage is calculated before the grade is dropped. The score with the lowest percentage is the one that is dropped.

Grade Adjustments – Allows you to edit the final grade by adjusting percentage points and/or to edit grade reduction settings.

  • Enabling final grade adjustments allows you to add or subtract percentage points from the final grade for individual students. This will add a new column to the Gradebook titled “Adjustment %” which can then be used to edit final grades.
  • Editing grade reduction settings will affect all Gradebook assignments attached to Assignment, Journal, and Discussion tools that have a defined due date and allow for late submissions. You can choose to enact no grade reduction, a one time grade reduction for late submissions, or a daily grade reduction for each day past the due date it is submitted. Click the checkbox to override reduction settings on existing gradebook assignments.
  • You may also edit the reduction for individual Assignments, Journals, or Discussions within their Advanced Settings when editing them. Again, you can individually choose to enact no grade reduction, a one time grade reduction for late submissions, or a daily grade reduction for each day past the due date it is submitted.

Custom Columns – You can enable custom columns in which to add information for students that is not connected to a grade but needs to be incorporated into grade reports.

This can be used for your own records or displayed to students if needed. Click the Visible to student? check box during the column’s creation or release using the gray drop down arrow for the column to display the column’s contents on the students’ view of Gradebook.

Once Custom Columns in enabled, there are two column types available: Free Text and Options List. 

  • Free Text is used when you want to be able to enter custom text for individual students within the column.
  • Options List is used when you have a predefined list from which you want to choose from for each student.

Student View of Stats & Comments – All gradebook statistics are defaulted to remain hidden from students. You can change which statistics you wish to display to students by editing the statistics and check marking those statistics you wish your students to be able to view.

Faculty can see all statistics regardless of which ones are released to the students.

Also, by default grade comments, notes, annotations, and uploads are not visible until the grade is released to the students. This can be changed here as well by selecting to make grades, comments, notes, annotations, and uploads visible as soon as they are created. This allows you to make that information available to your students without releasing the grade. However, this is all or nothing. Either they are all visible immediately or all visible upon the release of grades.

Additional Grade Options – Additional grade options are listed here with their corresponding letter symbols. Those that do not affect the overall grade are marked with an asterisk, while all others will awarded a grade of zero.