Adding Objectives

Course Level Objectives

Course Objectives can be added from within the Control Panel of the course.

  1. Begin by selecting the Objectives tab and clicking the green circle button Add Learning Objective Icon.
  2. Enter the learning objective into the text box provided.
  3. If necessary, add a category using the text box. Categories are not required.
    • Click the “Add new” button to create a new category for the objective.
    • Once a category has been added the “Select Category” drop down menu can be used to select it as the category for additional objectives that are created.
  4. Enter any predefined codes assigned to the learning objectives in the “Code” text box. Codes are not required.
  5. Click the “Save” button to save the objective.

Once Course Level Objectives have been created, they can be managed on the Objective tab:

  1. The objectives will be arranged within their Categories.
  2. Objectives codes are displayed within parenthesis. 
  3. Click the Edit button to edit the objective, change its category, or edit its code.
  4. Click the Delete icon to delete the objective.
  5. Click the Usage icon to view which pieces of content an objective is linked to.
  6. Click the up and down arrows to re-order the objectives within a category.

Content Level Objectives

Content Objectives can be added to Content Objects (Folders, Pages, Files, PDFs, PowerPoint Presentations, etc.), Communication Tools (Chats, Discussions, Journals, and Media) and to Assessments Tools (Assignments, Exams, and Live Poling). Content Objectives can then be linked to Course Objectives for mapping purposes which can also be reviewed by students.

To add Content Objectives begin by creating the content object or assessment or by clicking to edit an existing Content Object.

  1. Click on the Learning Objectives tab.
  2. Enter the objectives in the designated text boxes.
  3. By default 4 objectives may be entered but the green “Add Another Objective” button can be used to enter additional objectives for the Content Object.
  4. To link one or more of the Content Objectives to the Course Objectives, click the green “Course Objectives (0)” button to access the list of Course Objectives. This is only available if Course Objectives have been previously defined.
  5. Click on one or more Course Objectives to link them. They will be highlighted in green once selected.
  6. Unlink Course Objectives by clicking them a second time to remove the link. Click the red “Close” button once all selections have been made.
  7. Once the Content Objectives have been linked to Course Objectives, the green button will display the number of Course Objectives linked to the content. For example, if two Course Objectives are linked to a Content Objective then the button will read “Course Objectives (2)”.