Cleanup Wizards

These tools WILL alter/remove data from your site.

Content Cleanup

Cleans up the site. Remove assignment submissions, discussion posts, grades, etc.

  1. Begin by clicking the Content Cleanup link.
  2. A list of the tools enabled in the course will pop-up in a new window. By default all tools are selected to be left as is.
  3. You can choose to Delete All for each individual tool or to delete all submissions/grades for those tools that apply.
  4. Be careful when choosing to delete content using this tool. Deleting folders, links, assignments, etc will delete everything within that tool. Most likely you will be using the center column to remove all submissions and/or grades in order to prepare the course for a new semester.

User Content Cleanup

Similar to Content Cleanup, this cleanup wizard allows you to remove assignment submissions, discussion posts, grades, etc. for a specific User (student) within the course. This is useful if you have a student repeating your course and the content was not cleaned prior to adding students for the new semester.

  1. Begin by clicking the User Content Cleanup
  2. Use the drop down menu to select a User.
  3. A list of the tools enabled in the course will be listed. By default all tools are selected to be left as is.
  4. You can choose to Delete All submissions/grades for those tools that apply for the selected User.
  5. Be careful when choosing to delete content using this tool. Deleting user content is permanent. Therefore, always make sure you select the correct student user before completing a cleanup.

Adjust All Dates

Adjust the dates of all content items.

This tool can be useful in preparing your course for a new semester or a new group of students. It allows you to adjust Release Date for all content objects but adjusting the content object with the earliest date.

  1. Begin by clicking the Change Dates button.
  2. The earliest content object and its date will appear on the pop-up window. Enter a new date for this item and the dates for all content objects are changed by the same number of days.
  3. For example, if the earliest item starts October 1, 2014 and you change it to October 15, 2014, the dates for all content object dates are set forward 14 days.
  4. Click the “Save” button once you have chosen the date adjustment.

Adjust individual Dates

Adjust the dates of individual content items.

This tool can be useful in preparing your course for a new semester or a new group of students. It allows you to adjust the Release Date for individual content objects.

  1. Begin by clicking the Change Dates button.
  2. A list of content objects and their individual Release, Expiration, Calendar, Release status, and Due dates will appear in the pop-up window.
  3. Use the check boxes to select content then click "Edit All Selected" button at the bottom of the screen.
  4. This will allow you to edit the release, expiration, and due date as well as the Calendar settings (effective date and duration) and the publish status. 
  5. Click the “Save” button once you have chosen all date adjustments or “Close” to close the window.

Users Cleanup

Remove or reclassify users in this site. Begin by clicking the "Make Changes" button. 

This tool can be used to easily remove users from the site or re-categorize the users’ list. A list of the roles within the course are listed; check the role you wish to adjust and then use the drop down list to decide whether to remove them from the course or move them to the Guest role. Click the “Save” button once you have made your changes.