Weighting Grouped Gradebooks

  1. Click the settings tab from within the Gradebook to modify the Gradebook settings.
  2. Click to edit the Calculations Settings.
  3. Choose “Gradebook is scored using weighted Assignment Groups
  4. A list of the groups in the Gradebook will be displayed along with the option to enter a weight percentage for each group.

    The Weight (%) field will be highlighted in red until all Groups are given a percentage and the total percentage is equal to 100%. Once these two criteria are met, the Weight (%) field will be highlighted in green and the green save button will become available.

  5. Click the “Weight Assignment evenly” check box if you would like all Groups to be given an equal percentage within the Gradebook.
  6. The assignments within each group can also be weighted. To do so click the green pencil icon next to the Group title.
  7. Check the box next to “Weight Assignments?” and then click the green “Edit Assignments Weight” button.
  8. Choose “Weighted Assignment Groups” to manually enter weighted percentages for each assignment within that Group.
  9. You can also choose “Weight Assignments evenly” to automatically distribute the percentages across all assignments in the Group. This can also be done prior to clicking the green “Edit Assignments Weight” button in Step 7 above.

    Only non-extra credit assignments and those assignments used in calculations will be evenly weighted.

  10. Assignments weighted evenly using this feature will weight according to the process depicted above.
  11. These percentages can be edited by returning to the Gradebook settings and clicking to edit Calculations. There will be a small green icon with a white pencil next to the Group which will allow you to edit the weights for the group.