Creating Rubrics

  1. Begin by entering the Gradebook from within Assessment. Click to enter the settings for the Gradebook and then click the green edit icon next to Rubric Scales.
  2. First you will need to define the Rubric Name which is mandatory.  If you will be creating and using multiple rubrics the name becomes useful because all rubrics will be available when attaching them to an Assignments, Chats, Discussions, or Journals.
  3. You will then need to define the specific criterion, rating names, and rating descriptions as well as assign points to each rating and the percentage of the grade that each criterion will be worth.
    • Criterion – includes the major components of the assignment. For example, with a thesis you would probably expect a student to include an introduction, body, and conclusion. You may also wish to include a criterion for spelling & grammar or sources & citations.
    • Rating name – the rating name refers to the evaluative terms that will be used to assess the student’s performance on the assignment.  Points for each rating will also be defined here. Ratings listed for a certain criterion must contain a unique name.
    • Rating description – refers to the elements necessary for successful completion of each criterion. The description should explain what is expected to earn the total number of points for that rating.
  4. Adding a criterion – when you click to add a new rubric there is only one criterion available but you can add more criterion by clicking the green “Add criterion” button.
    • You can also add new criterion by clicking the “Duplicate row.” This will create a copy of the entire row. This is useful when the same ratings are used more than once in a rubric.
    • Click on the grayed out “Criterion name” to enter your own name for the criterion. You must also assign a percentage to each criterion which will define the percentage of the total grade for the assignment that particular criterion is worth.
  5. Adding a rating – when a new rubric is created it automatically lists just two ratings but a new rating can be added to a criterion by clicking the green “Add rating” button.
    • You can also add a rating to all criterion within the rubric by clicking the green “Add rating to each row” button.
    • Click on the grayed out “Criterion name” to enter your own name for the criterion. By default, all Criterion are weighted equally.
    • You may also assign a weighted percentage to each criterion which will define the percentage of the total assignment grade that particular criterion is worth. To do this, first click the "Enable Criteria Weighting" button and a text box next to each Criterion will become available. These weights must add up to 100% for all Criterion.
  6. You can delete an entire criterion by clicking the red trashcan icon on the bottom right of the criterion’s box. You can delete a specific rating the same way; by clicking the icon within its box.
  7. Details is listed beneath the rubric and can be expanded when clicked. You can define a Rubric Heading and/or Footer with Details.
  8. Click the green Save button once you are finished creating your rubric. Clicking the red Cancel button will close out of the rubric without saving the changes you’ve made.
  9. You can go back unto the Gradebook Settings in order to view the rubric details copy, edit, or delete the rubric. It will also tell you whether or not the rubric is currently being used.
    • View rubric details – clicking this icon will let you view the rubric. You can also download the rubric as a PDF from this page.
    • Copy Rubric – makes an exact copy of the rubric.
    • Edit Rubric – enters into the rubric to allow you to make changes. If a Rubric is in use and grading has begun, then it cannot be edited. 
    • Delete Rubric – deletes the entire rubric. You cannot delete a rubric that is currently in use, even if grading has not begun.
  10. You can also import a rubric, you personally created, from another course by clicking the yellow circle icon next to Rubric Scales. If you want to import a rubric created by another administrator, you must first make a copy of their rubric and then import the copy.
  11. Students can also view the rubric from within the assignment by clicking the blue “Review Rubric for assignment” button. The PDF can also be downloaded from this screen by clicking the blue button. The rubric also becomes visible to students from within the Gradebook once the grades are released for the assignment.
    • If you do not want the rubric to be visible to your students this can be done when adding the Rubric to individual assignments. Once the Grading Method of an assignment is set to Rubric Grade you will have the option to uncheck the Rubric’s visibility.

Example of Rubric during edits:

Rubric Builder Icon