Exam Troubleshooting for Instructors


Extend Exam Time

Simply add more time to the existing Time limit setting. This will update the students’ exam by the next minute. This will be minus any time already spent in the exam. 

Extend Exam Time for Individual Student / Accommodated Time

You should use Override Settings to provide the new, full time limit for the student once the exam is re-opened. Simply add more time to the existing Time limit setting. This will update the students’ exam by the next minute. This will be minus any time already spent in the exam.

Please note that if you have added a due date and/or expiration date it must extend to include the accommodated override setting.

Exam Submission Stuck "In Progress"

If a student's submission is stuck "In progress" but appears to have been submitted and no technical issue reported you can "Trigger Finish" the exam. This setting can be found on the In Progress Tab of Exam Reports. You can select the option to "Trigger Finish" the exam next to the student's in progress submission.

Reopen a Submitted Exam

If an exam is inadvertently submitted you can reopen it at your discretion. Once an exam has been submitted you can decide the exact amount of time a student should have when re-opened. Please note that this will restart their exam timer when they re-enter the exam. You should use Override Settings to provide the new, full time limit for the student once the exam is re-opened. Review other Availability Settings for any other potential time related conflicts.

Exam Availability Restrictions

You can utilize Access Controls to make an exam available to specific individuals, small groups or roles.

Advanced Reporting Levels

To determine what students can see immediately following an exam's submission, visit the Advanced Tab of your exam and review Reporting Levels. By default all Reporting Levels are disabled.

Password Complexity

Keep passwords simple and visible in the classroom for students at exam entry time.

Disabling the Zoom Virtual Background

The Zoom Virtual Background feature must be disabled prior to the launch of the SOLE Lockdown exam.

Disabling Zoom Clips

This applies to students taking a proctored exam via Zoom and the SOLE Lockdown Browser. The LockDown Browser is programmed to detect when conflicting programs are running and will request that you close these programs.

ZoomClips is a feature within Zoom that may interfere with the Lockdown Browser launching during a SOLE exam. Therefore, it is recommended that students disable this feature prior to launching exams via the SOLE Lockdown Browser.

However, if ZoomClips is enabled when launching the Lockdown Browser students may be prompted with this message:

Some Blocklisted Application (s) are running.

Lockdown Browser OEM will not run as long as the following applications are running:


Normally, students can use the button option to close the applications, but for ZoomClips, this would close Zoom altogether. Instead, students will need to exit the LockDown Browser and then update Zoom's settings to disable ZoomClips before launching the exam again in SOLE.

Please follow these steps to disable Clips for an entire account:

  1. Sign in to the Zoom Web portal.
  2. In the left navigation menu, click Settings.
  3. On the top right of the page, click the Clips tab. You may need to click the arrow to show more tabs.
  4. To the right of the Clips feature, click the toggle to disable the setting.

Please visit the Zoom Clips user guide to learn more.