Exam Question Types

There are multiple types of exam questions that can be used in the exam tool which can be added to the Question Bank or directly into the exam itself.

  1. Multiple Choice – students will choose the correct answer from a provided list of options.
    • By default, four answer options can be entered for a question. Add more answer options by clicking Add Another Answer.
    • There can be only one correct answer. Click the red Incorrect icon next to the answers you wish to denote as correct and it will turn green. All incorrect answers will remain red.
    • Answers are set to display randomly by default. To set a fixed answer order click the Show Answer Formatting icon and select 'In the order above.' This can be done in the Question Bank before the question is added to an exam or within an exam that is in draft mode.
  2. True/False – provide only two choices for an answer: True or False. Make sure that the question is unequivocally true or false and includes only one central idea.
    • There can be only one correct answer. Click the red Incorrect box to the right of the correct answer in order to denote it as correct (it will turn green). The incorrect answer will remain red.
    • Answer formatting is set to show the answer options "In the order above" by default. Meaning True will be listed first and then False is listed below it.
    • If T/F questions are imported using an import sheet, rather than being created manually, then the answer formatting will need to be specified on the sheet. Otherwise, the answer options will be displayed randomly.
  3. Essay – students will answer by entering text to write an essay.  Once the user has completed the exam you must grade the essay and assign the appropriate number of points to their attempt.
  4. Matching – allow you to enter a simple question, or a set of directions, and then define four answers and their matching text. If you would like to add more matching options you can do so by clicking the green Add Another Answer icon. Students will then be tasked with matching the answers to the correct text that you’ve specified.
    • You can also add Distractors which will add additional Matching Text options for users taking the exam to choose from. Click the white space next to Distractors, type in the text, and hit enter to add additional matching text.
    • One wrong match will equate a zero for the entire question in the Gradebook. You do have the option of overriding the grade to award partial credit once the user has completed the exam.
  5. Fill in the Blank – open-ended questions that require students to create an answer. Use [] (left square bracket followed by right square bracket) to denote the location where the answer is to be inserted. Only one fill in the blank is allowed per question. Use the answers section to define acceptable/correct answer(s). Capitalization does not matter for fill in the blank questions.
  6. Multiple Select -students will choose one or more correct answers from a provided list of options.
    • By default, four answer options can be entered for a question. Add more answer options by clicking Add Another Answer.
    • One or more answers can be chosen as correct. Click the red Incorrect icon next to the answers you wish to denote as correct and they will turn green. All incorrect answers will remain red.
    • Answers are set to display randomly by default. To set a fixed answer order click the Show Answer Formatting icon and select 'In the order above.' This can be done in the Question Bank before the question is added to an exam or within an exam that is in draft mode.
    • All correct answers must be selected in order for the student to receive full credit for the question. SOLE will not award partial credit but you do have the option of overriding the grade to manually award partial credit once the user has completed the exam.
  7. Ordering (beta) – students select the correct order of a series of defined items.
    • By default, four answer options can be entered for a questionAdd more answer options by clicking Add Another Answer.
    • When creating the question, place the answer options in the appropriate order. Make sure that your question is specific. For example, if you want the options placed on chronological order, be sure to specify if it should be in ascending or descending order.
    • During an exam, the answer options will display randomly. Students will then be tasked with dragging and dropping them into the appropriate order.
    • All answers must be in the correct order for the student to receive full credit for the question. SOLE will not award partial credit but you do have the option of overriding the grade to manually award partial credit once the student has completed the exam.
  8. Hotspot (beta) – students are presented with an image and select a particular area as the answer.
    • When creating the question, an image is uploaded from your computer. Accepted image files include GIF, JIF, JPG, JPEG, and PNG.
    • The image file should be prepared and ready before the creation of the question. Make sure to consider the size of the image and make adjustments with an image editing application before the file is uploaded if necessary. Images cannot be edited during question creation.
    • Once the image has been uploaded, a rectangle over the correct answer area is drawn by clicking and dragging over the image. Click off of the rectangle to remove it, and then a new rectangle can be drawn.
    • The area of the hot spot is defined by pixels. When students select a point within the rectangle area, they receive credit for a correct answer. Only one answer per image is permitted.